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The lawn is a staple of residential landscaping.  There are few landscape surfaces that provide a continuous green area, while being flat to accommodate outdoor activities.  The lawn needs a good foundation in order to stay green, flat, and have the highest resistance to weed invasion.  The key to this important foundation is soil preparation.


In the East Bay much of the soil lacks organic matter, therefore needing soil amendment.  The first step in installing a new lawn is roto-tilling in this organic soil amendment, leaving the earth loose and able to retain moisture and nutrients.  Next, we mix in a pre-plant fertilizer to aid in proper root establishment, ensuring the lawn has the best chances of a long green life.  Next, we fine grade the area to be sodded, this is critical for ensuring a flat surface for the lawn.  Once the earth has been smoothed and contoured we install the sod and set your automatic irrigation system for you, leaving the area almost problem free and ready to use.


Synthetic Lawn

Synthetic lawn is another option for the environmentally conscious, or for people who just don’t want the weekly maintenance of a traditional grass lawn.  Synthetic lawn is generally more expensive to install but will save in water and maintenance costs over time.  



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